Commit Global is a Stichting (foundation) headquartered in The Hague, The Netherlands.
RSIN: 865749139
Legal form: Stichting Commit Global
Corporate seat: ‘s-Gravenhage
Visiting address: Lange Voorhout 86, 2514EJ, The Hague, Netherlands
Date of incorporation: 19-10-2023
ANBI status
Commit Global Stichting has been classified by the Belanstingdienst as a general benefit institution (ANBI). This means that we do not have to pay taxes on our donations received. You can also benefit from tax benefits a s a donor.
'S-GRAVENHAGE | RSIN: 865749139
Begindatum: 19-10-2024
Our board
The board of the foundation may consist only of natural persons and it is formed by one or more executive members and one or more non-executive members of the board, the decision on the number of members of each type and the attributions that the executive members may hold is appointed by the board. As per the board’s decision, Bogdan Ivănel and Olivia Vereha are currently executive members of the board with a clear division in attributions.
All the non-executive board members receive no remuneration for their activity as board members. The executive board members are employed by the Stichting and they receive a remuneration in accordance with the salary policy of the organization for their attributions.
More information on the structure of Commit Global is available here, in Dutch and English:
Board Members

Dolores Neagoe
Non-executive member of the Board

Kinga Ile
Non-executive member of the Board

Diederik Stolk
Non-executive member of the Board

Bogdan Ivănel
Founding Member
Executive member of the Board

Dana Pascu
Founding Member
Non-executive member of the Board

Olivia Vereha
Founding Member
Executive member of the Board
Our policy plan
Our mission is to grow the effectiveness and response capacity of NGOs and first responders by using the power of technology for good. Read more about our work in the document below, stating our policy plan.